Sunday, March 11, 2012

A day at the lighthouse - we missed the kites but very beautiful

 Almas is ready to go.
 Anyone know these wild flowers?
 the lighthousefrom a different view than we've seen before
 Great day on the coast
 Seals or sea lions on the rock
 A hang glidder - but this one had an engine with a fan behind the seat as there was almsot no wind
 Three shots of the glidder over the lighthouse

All of these were taken as we went to the lighthouse as part of Daffidill Weekend.  They had seom profesisonal kite flyers but by the time we got there the wind had stopped and the kites were no longer in the air.  But it was a grand day for a walk.   
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The Rolling Stones (Unauthorized)

 The bar at the theater
 Its Mick Jagger himself - or is it?
 Rose and Susan talking to Vera Lee - we're alwasy prepared for a 60's event

This concernt/dance was part of Daffidill Days in point Arena.  We also went on a tour of "the city", visiting the new art gallery, and went to the crafts faire.  This plus the crab feed made for a full day  
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Another crab feed!!!!!

 Francisco, Rose, and Susan
 Picture of the Grange Hall
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This crab feed was for the Pt Arena High School baseball team - it payed for transportation, uniforms, etc.  With the State's fiscal crisis, the State gives the school much less.  Like the other 4 or 5 crab feeds we gorged ourselves in crab and have 2 1/2 left for anotehr dinner

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our weekly hike

 what a view - looking north
 Looking south
 We tried to catch Dean and Patti but they myast be behind a tree 
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Barbara and Tony visit Mendocino - part II

A beautiful morning

Crab boat out our window

Tony at lighthouse

Looking down from the lighthouse

Barbara abd Susan below

Tony outside at lighthouse tower

Susan and Barbara waiting for the boys to return

Pt Arena pier

Crab boat being lifted out of water

The Chowder House

Susan walks down to pick our crab for dinner

Posted by PicasaBarbara abd Tony say "good bye"

Barbara and Tony Visit Mendocino

Boonville - Moosehead bakery - a great little place

Anderson Valley Brewery

Cooper kettles at the brewery

Inside the front door of the brew pub

bar at the brew pub

Tony and Brutacoa winery

Barbara, Tony, abd Susan

Navarro winery

The vines


Crabboat in a sun ray

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