Monday, November 25, 2013

Museum of the City of New York

We tried a new museum and it was wonderful.  The Museum of the City of New York at the top of "Museum Mile" on Fifth Avenue.  They had several exhibits.

1 . Janet Ruttenberg’s paintings celebrate Central Park and those who gather within its green borders.  She's 80 and did not start painting until later in life.  Her pictures are awesome.  We especially liked Tango in Central Park that had live video superimposed on the painting.  See pictures below.

2. Rising Waters - pictures of hurricane Sandy (remember we were in NY at the time of Sandy)

3. Activists in New York City - a history of protests and movements back to the city's founding

4. Bel Geddes - A visionary who was equally comfortable in the realms of fact and fiction, Bel Geddes (1893-1958) played a significant role in the 1920s and '30s, shaping not only modern America but also the nation’s image of itself as innovator and leader into the future. Bel Geddes most famously expressed his dynamic vision of this American future—streamlined, technocratic, and optimistic--with his unforgettable Futurama exhibition at the 1939-40 New York World’s Fair.

If you are in NYC for more than a few days, this museum is well worth seeing - especially all the current exhibits.  And there were a couple more to see but we ran out of time as we were heading over to the opera.

 Janet Ruttenberg

 Sandy pictures - we took these two below as we were part of this experience when we were here last year.  The first is outside Grand Central where we walked and passed and the second is what all of the buses looked like a couple days after Sandy passed.

 Bel Geddes - he envisioned a bus like the model below.  And he has a great cocktail set-up

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